USA TODAY is providing evidence today that they have no idea what they’re talking about in general, but more specifically that they’re completely out to lunch when it comes to Apple rumors. According to a story run this morning, Apple’s Jonathan Ive has a slick 50-inch TV hanging in his super-secret design studio. Not could have, but has, which is a huge difference.
Apple is said to be looking at a 42-inch or larger LCD TV with built-in Wi-Fi. Inside the locked-down studio of Jonathan Ive, senior vice president of industrial design at Apple, there’s a slick 50-inch TV, according to the source who worked at Apple.
Here’s the thing. How can someone leak that Ive has a huge Apple television in his design studio if the compound is “locked-down” like Scott Martin of USA TODAY suggests? Do you think Apple’s security is amateur enough that anyone without a VP title attached to their job description would be permitted to enter that studio? Not. Bloody. Likely. So either Ive and his design team leaked the information, which we doubt, or USA TODAY completely made up the information based on conjecture.
We’ll let you be the judge, but I’m sure you can tell where we stand on this one. Apple may have a television coming down the pipeline, and Ive probably has prototypes and feature-complete designs in studio if that’s the case, but outside of assumptions and self-made conclusions, there’s no way the information leaked, which makes this a rumor and not fact, again.
But then again, if the source worked at Apple, and no longer works there, maybe there was a leak, and the leaker got his ass fired. Who knows.