32 Stories From This Week You Probably Missed

Well, that was quite a week. We had a lot of rumors about the supply chain that ultimately hammered Apple’s stock, while the rest of the Apple press launched themselves into full on Sherlock mode alleging stock fixing, bad reporting, and a host of other crimes and misdemeanors on Nikkei, the Wall Street Journal, and anyone who believed the story.

Apple and Amazon were told to settle their “App Store” lawsuit outside of the court. Samsung won a decision in a Dutch court, which found that the Tab did not violate the iPad’s patents, all while AT&T continues to try to freeze out Unlimited Data users by denying them FaceTime over cellular.

Facebook announced a search engine, for some reason. Tim Cook didn’t get to have a happy Friday when he found out that he was going to be subject to a four-hour deposition in the anti-poaching case. The week closed out with yet another supply rumor; this time it was Sharp saying that Apple cut orders for the full-size iPad screens. If any of this is of interest to you, here are the most important stories we covered this week…






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Mac geek? Gamer? Why not both? Mike is a writer from Wisconsin who enjoys wasting immense amounts of time on the Internet. You can follow him on Twitter.