Shazam For iPhone Gets Auto Tagging, Tag Songs While Your Phone’s Locked

Shazam updated its iOS app today to include the Auto Shazam feature that it first brought to the iPad back in May. Now users are able to lock their phones and multitask while Shazam continuously matches the songs or TV shows that it hears.

Just like when you run a Skype call in the background, users will see a red bar at the top of their screen indicating that Shazam is in the process of accessing the microphone.

Here’s the update’s official description:

New for iPhone and iPod touch:

  • Auto Shazam does the hard work for you by continuously recognizing popular music and TV around you. Flip the switch on the Shazam home screen to turn on Auto Shazam, and automatically recognize while you commute or watch a movie, even if you leave the Shazam app or lock your phone.

New for all users:

  • Share Shazam Tags with friends on WhatsApp
  • Pin Shazam tags to your favourite Pinterest boards
  • Share Shazam Tags using iOS Messages


  • The app will not ask to use your location again if you have previously said no

If you don’t have Shazam but are intrigued by the new Auto tagging feature, you can download the app for free on iTunes.

Toby is a writer of word and a lover of Apple, hip-hop, life, and technology.