I got a huge kick out of this when I stumbled across it this afternoon. I, and probably most of you, loved Where’s Waldo growing up, but it’s just not the same these days. Unless you have kids, or know a couple of young kids, playing Where’s Waldo has lost its lustre. But, the game can live on in this very fine Where’s Jobs website.
The object: tracking down the artificially inserted Steve Jobs face in a sea of faces. In the first picture, there’s a Steve Jobs lurking around, and if you find him, well, you’re pretty damn good. If you can’t figure it out on your own, you have the luxury of looking at the image directly following it for the answer.
So here’s your first go at it!
If you want the answer, check out the Where’s Jobs website. And trust us, Steve Jobs is in this picture. It just might take you a minute or two to track him down.
Article Via Reddit