You know that post where I speculated about push being missing because of Telcos? Well it turns out that I could be completely off the mark. Rumors are circulating about there actually being a complete turnaround in concept from Apple. They could quite possibly be looking to add background tasks in upcoming versions of the iPhone.
I’m not sure just how that would affect all the previous generations out there, but my guess is that it won’t be all that good for anyone with a 3G or 1.0 phone. If they aren’t powerful enough to do it at the time of release, what has changed recently? I mean, a software update could make it possible, but will we really benefit from an update of this variety?
The theory is everything released pre 3.0 hardware would have limited access to background processes, the new version would get more of a carte blanche.
So we might just have located where push notifications have gone, and don’t be surprised if they remain in the trash can. It looks like they’re about to be made irrelevant.