Orange, the megahuge European mobile company, has partnered with Apple for the purpose of offering a new service called “Film to Go”. The service will allow customers to rent iTunes movies free of charge aside from the modest 35 pence to acquire a promotional code by text message. Users will get one free movie per week (viewable on the usual array of Apple devices) and will have 30 days to watch the movie, though it must be completed within 48 hours of the first play. Don’t start looking forward to that independent Czech superhero musical yet, though; Film to Go will start by offering only The Wrestler, The Ghost, My Blueberry Nights and Che: Part One, but promises to add more titles in coming weeks.
Orange has been dipping a toe into the movie industry recently with their Orange Wednesday movie ticket promotion (to which this service has been added) and sponsorship of British entertainment awards, the BAFTAs. Film to Go is another interesting peg in the board that could signal things to come for the company as a whole.
If you’re an Orange customer, signing up is easy: Text FILMTOGO to 85060, make sure you have iTunes installed, and then redeem the code you’re provided.
Source: The Next Web