Google released its second trailer today for its augmented reality product Google Glasses, with this video focusing on more extravagant examples as opposed to the first trailer‘s focus on daily New York life.
The video features examples of people skydiving, performing acrobatics acts I can’t even describe and doing tricks in a small airplane. The video is primarily meant to showcase the unobtrusiveness of Google Glasses and that all of these acts can still be accomplished, and then filmed, with the Glasses being worn. The video also shows off more practical uses, such as a person asking what “delicious” is in Thai, or googling jellyfish while looking at one. Another person uses it to get live directions while biking down the street.
The video also shows off how easy it is to take a picture or record a video at anytime of whatever it is you’re looking at, and how you can then quickly share these pictures with your friends, all just by using voice commands.
While these trailers always leave me wanting a pair of glasses like this, I’m skeptical of whether or not they will manage to function even remotely as smooth and instant as they are in the videos. Google also hasn’t really been showing at all what these people wearing the glasses look like with them on, but I find it hard to imagine them looking cool. The more I think about it, the more I think I’ll just wait for Google Contact Lenses.