Another popular app has gotten around to putting its iOS 7 dress on. Instagram got a fairly beefy update today which brings a number of aesthetic changes including a flatter design and edge-to-edge photos.
Instagram’s menus now have that flat iOS 7 feel to them that other popular apps like Twitter have incorporated. The coolest thing about the update, however, is probably the new way photos are displayed. Photos now take up the entire width of your phone’s screen, making for a 4.5% increase in overall picture size. While that number sounds small, it makes for a noticeable difference.
Interestingly, however, the app’s icon has not taken on a more flat appearance like the rest of the app. It turns out Instagram is so fond of its existing icon that the company’s not sure it wants to change it. “We love [the icon] as much as we did when we first made it,” the company said, ” we don’t plan on changing it right now.”
While your Instagram icon might look a bit funky beside all your other apps, its interior is as slick as ever. Download it for free here.