Great Coffee, a popular coffee app in the App Store, has just added instructional videos to its application. These videos show how each espresso drink featured in the app is made by using very well-made videos. To access these videos, simply select a drink via Great Coffee’s main menu and scroll down. A new videos menu has been added that allows you to download each instructional video from the cloud. Once the selected video is downloaded, tap the play button and enjoy! Also, make sure to note the instructions that appear below the video in real-time.
If you’re unaware, the Great Coffee app is an app for baristas and aspiring baristas that shows how to make espresso-powered drinks. The app also gives background on each drink and allows you to share them with Facebook and Twitter followers. The app features very high quality photos of each drink and shows each ingredient in layers.
As an espresso enthusiast myself, I’ve had the universal Great Coffee app on my iPhone and iPad for quite some time. The application has allowed me to find new drinks to craft and to expand my coffee knowledge. If you’d like Great Coffee on your iOS device, hit the link next to this article to purchase it for $2.99.