I’m pretty sure that if you need John Fogerty to teach you how to play “Fortunate Son,” you fail as a guitar player; but, it should probably be pointed out that these lessons aren’t for you. I mean if you can play by ear you’re probably well beyond lessons.
It’s cool getting music lessons from rock stars, and had I been picking up the guitar for the first time yesterday, I probably would have fallen in love with the concept. I could pay ten dollars per lesson from a wannabe Fogerty down at the local guitar shop, or I can get them from John Fogerty. Hrmm, a bit of a no-brainer right?
The concept’s pretty cool in and of itself, but what we really need is some feedback. We need someone to tell me that I’m butchering the song, after all how else are we gonna learn? How amazing would it be if during these “lessons” you recorded yourself, and if you’re missing notes and chords, or you simple can’t keep up, a clip plays of the artist berating you? How Rock N Roll would that be?
Anyway, now for the news…
Apple has released a couple new “lessons” for Garageband, two from Sting, and one from Sarah McLachlan. They’re $5.00 USD (6.49 CAD) a piece. You can find them in Garageband.