Every new generation of consoles brings the fear that prices for video games will go up. It happened when entering into this current generation when games jumped from $49.99 to $59.99. Today it was revealed that an increase will not happen for first-party Xbox One titles.
Polygon received a statement by a representative from Microsoft, which said:
I can confirm that Microsoft Studios games on Xbox One will be $59.99 (MSRP).
This statement is only partially reassuring, as it leaves the door open for third-party titles on Xbox One to see an increase in prices.
Various sites and brick and mortar stores have been listing Xbox One and PlayStation 4 titles at $59.99, which includes both first- and third-party games. President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America Jack Trenton described on CNBC that pricing for PlayStation 4 games will range from $0.99 to $59.99.
It will be interesting to see how game prices are structured in the next-generation, though it remains to be seen if third-party game publishers decide to outright raise prices on games or try to make money on expansion packs and other add-ons.