The Flexibits team has launched Fantastical 2 ($2.99) today, bringing a giant update for the app to the masses, which is pretty good timing considering the iOS 7 calendar application leaves a lot to be desired.
In addition to being a little more iOS 7 friendly, Fantastical also brings with it even better natural language processing for your calendar entries, as well as seamless Reminders integration, and even TextExpander support.
Heck, the app even gives you the option of launching Chrome and Google Maps instead of Apple’s baked in offerings, which is huge considering a lot of people prefer those apps to Safari and Maps.
There’s a lot more under the hood, and you should check out the full app notes when you get a second.
Fantastical 2 is the gold standard for calendar applications. It’s worth every last penny. The only thing I’m hoping for at this point is an iPad application, and that can’t come soon enough.
[alert style=”red”]Buy It On The App Store[/alert]