DuPont has teamed up with the Power Mat Alliance (PMA) to create a useful countertop that lets you charge your phone without a hassle. The company has begun embedding charging mats directly into its Corian line up of countertops (synthetic granite).
We’ve all seen those stupid charging mats for your iPhone. You know the ones, they have to be lined up perfectly, in the proper orientation before you can even begin to charge your phone. Not to mention, the mat has to be plugged in and sit on your counter before you can even use it. They’re bulky and they really clutter up your space. The Dupont Corian line of counter tops looks to change all that. All you’ll have to do is drop your phone on the counter and you’re off to the races.
This is absolutely the next step in charging devices. Of course, there’s always going to be the problem of upgrading these things as devices require more power to charge in the future. It’s not exactly cheap to replace your countertop every three of four years. I’d like to know how Dupont and the PMA plan to tackle that problem.