Customize Leopard: beyond dock

Since the release of Leopard, Mac desktops have never looked better. Adding a whole new look the the desktops user interface. But if you ever wanted to change it up a little. Give it a little more personalize feel among the other standard desktops. Below I will cover some great little applications that you can use.

CandyBar 3 by Panic

The pretty much ultimate app used to change icons, themes, and now docks. The application cost $29 bucks but for a great app like this its worth it. You can visit the icon factory and download tons of great icon sets, themes which some include docks to match the themes. [Candybar3] [IconFactory]


I have two sources for my wallpaper. One is and Both have tons of great wallpaper from different artist. I tend to visit interfaceLift more since I can narrow the selection by putting in my native resolution. [InterfaceLift] [Deviantart]

iTunes Controller

iTunes is the best player out there but sometimes it can be a little annoying to switch back between iTunes and the work you may be doing. Thats where CoverSutra comes in. What coversutra does is add controls, shortcuts, and album cover all to your desktop. Allowing you to quickly change changes and display what is currently playing without have to switch back to iTunes. [CoverSutra] – free alt [YouControl:Tunes]

Beyond the software added is the few tweaks in leopard that you can do. First is changing the background of the finder window to something else besides white. I chose a light-blue which goes well with everything else.

Adding custom searches to the sidebar. Just do a fresh search and hit save. Now that search will be saved among the other on the sidebar. I have one for finding all media files and wallpapers.

Example of the apps in use