Some time over the weekend, 9 to 5 Mac stumbled across an insider Apple blog titled CrApple Store. We didn’t get too much time with the blog — it was the weekend after all — but from what we saw, it was a pretty negative look at the life of an Apple Store employee.
The sentiment isn’t exactly new. Reviews are often mixed from Apple Store employees. Some love working at the store and others hate it. It’s pretty much like that at any retail job on the planet.
But, the poor soul behind the CrApple Store blog really must have hated the job, and now they probably hate the internet even more. The story spread like wildfire. Major blogs such as Gizmodo picked it up and ran with it. News got out fast, and the owner removed all of the posts quickly.
There was a lot of print worthy laughs on that blog, but Apple probably wouldn’t find excerpts like the following very funny:
“The first thing you’ll fucking hate is the opening a new store. You’d think from the cheering something major is happening, but really it just another fucking shop surrounded by other shit shops. Everyone whoops, cheers and delivers high fives all round, especially to the biggest loser of them all- the virgin at the front of the queue” (Quote Via Business Insider)
Business Insider has reached out to Apple to find out if the site was taken down by the author voluntarily or if Apple’s rabid lawyers leaned on him a little bit. They haven’t received an explanation from Apple at the time of this post.
One thing is for certain: the author no longer works for Apple, and he or she apparently left the store a “short while ago.” Hopefully Apple gets in contact with the author to really try to figure out what happened in their store. No one likes working in a crappy environment.
Article Via 9 to 5 Mac and Business Insider