Add Marketcircle to the list of companies bringing their applications to the Mac App Store. As of this mornin,g they’ve submitted Billings to the store, and lucky for them, no one has squatted their product name.
If you haven’t already heard, Billings is an excellent invoicing application for the Mac. It’s a goto application in our office, and we wouldn’t be able to do what we do without their product. It’s highly recommended.
They have pointed out that there’s still a lot of question marks about how everything is going to play out on the Mac App Store, but they also point to the fact that, in this particular case, the rewards will outweigh the potential risks. This seems to be the opinion of most developers submitting their applications to the Mac App Store.
“The Mac App Store will be a great way to help new users overcome fears of buying software. Lots of new Mac users (Apple consistently reports that 50% of purchasers are new to the Mac) just don’t know where to buy software online.”
AJ really hits the nail on the head in his quote. Most of us aren’t the typical “Mac user,” and while most of us have no difficulty finding the best applications on the internet, a lot of people do. If you’ve come to the Mac from an iOS device, where applications are all listed in a marketplace, OS X can be pretty daunting when it comes to finding applications.
The Mac App Store will easily solve this problem, despite the quirks that will be on display at launch. Macheads will notice the quirks, but my money’s on most Mac users embracing the change pretty quickly.
Article Via Market Circle’s Blog
Photo Credit: Smoking Apples