On Tuesday, Apple won the rights to two design patents. These two separate patents include the MacBook Pro with Retina display (D676,438) and the laptop’s cooling vents (D676,437).
Apple’s MacBook Pro with Retina display launched in June of 2012. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office gave Apple design rights for the overall look and design of the MacBook Pro with Retina display. Inventors of the design include Jonathan Ive, Senior Vice President of Industrial Design, and Christopher Stringer, a longtime designer. The 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display launched by Apple had a completely redesigned and slimmer framework with a resolution of 2,880×1,800 pixels, which showed Apple’s decision to go with a thinner and lighter profile over the optical drive.
The patent for Apple’s cooling vents was filed on the same day as the Retina MacBook Pro, and acknowledges the same inventors for its design. Ive said that their unique cooling vent design added strong support to the structure of the laptop, and didn’t weaken the strength of the computer’s framework. The vent has an asymmetric fan that helps reduce the MacBook’s noise when doing heavy work.
Image Credit: BGR