A lot of digital ink has been spilled both here on the website, and around the blogosphere about Apple’s iCloud and where the music industry may be heading, but somewhere along the line we seem to have forgotten about the next revolution of television. If rumors are to be believed, Microsoft may be the first to the punch, and they could be planning on bringing TV subscriptions to Xbox LIVE as early as next week.
It would certainly be a huge step in the right direction for a technology that has lacked innovation for years. The International Business Times is reporting that Microsoft has been proposing a “virtual cable operator” system to television companies. Instead of your favorite television shows being delivered through your traditional television companies (Comcast, etc.) Microsoft would be serving up the content through their Xbox LIVE platform.
Many are expecting Microsoft to make the announcement at E3 next week at the same time that Apple may be announcing its iCloud offering. Who knows, by this time next week we could all be using next generation music services, as well as next generation television services.
What do you think? Do we need a reworking of the television distribution network? If you ask me, having to pay for all of these god-awful packages to get access to a simple Football game is a little bit absurd. I’m ready for the change.
Article Via The International Business Times