Apple gave its quarterly earnings report for the final quarter of FY2013. There’s a lot in there, but the Cliff’s Notes are: 7.5 billion dollars in profit, more iPhones and iPads sold, while Mac sales are slightly down. Something, something, Apple is doomed or whatever.
The iPad air was released on Friday, and early benchmarks are showing that the new iPad doubles the speed of its predecessor. This means that we’re The iPad Mini Retina was given a real release date this week, expect to see the diminutive tablet on November 21st. This ensures that the smaller tablet will be available for Tim Cook’s “iPad Christmas.”
The FAA finally came to its senses in the US, and you’re finally allowed to use e-reader, tablets, and phones in Airplane mode during takeoff and landing. Thankfully, you can now avoid having to make awkward small talk with strangers for the entire flight.
The garage where Woz and Jobs started Apple has been named a historical landmark by Los Altos, CA. I’m holding out for the Smithsonian to ask for Woz’s Segway.
Our Features, Tips, and Funny Posts
- When’s Apple Going To Start Taking Interoperability Between OS X And iOS Seriously?
- New Apple HQ Video Pops Up Online
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- A Day After Halloween, iFixit Disembowels The iPad Air For Science
Stories From Around the Web
- Toyota’s killer firmware: Bad design and its consequencesYou might remember the controversy around stuck throttles in Toyota’s cars a few years ago, it turns out that bad software design may be a culprit. EDN does an interesting investigation into how bad software design can cost lives in these applications.
- The Web Literacy StandardMozilla may have long ago lost their alternative browser crown to Google, but the foundation itself still does interesting things. In this case it’s a standard to adopt a universal idea of web literacy. It’s a pretty vague concept in its current form, but still worth checking out.
- Computers are going to disappear.Brennen Byrne on how the computer part of our computers are going to get out of our way so we can just get what we want.
- The New Rules of Tech JournalismOur own Harry C Marks explains some easy steps to not sound like an idiot when writing tech articles.
- How To Avoid CryptoLocker RansomwareOkay this one doesn’t apply to Mac directly, but I am more than sure that our reader are almost all their family tech support. This is a vicious little bit of Malware that there isn’t much of a cure for, so Krebs on Security lays out how to avoid it to begin with.
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