For the first time in its history, Apple stock has climbed north of $500.00 per share. Yay. Great. Awesome. Currently, as we write this article, the ticker has AAPL at $500.70 per share, more than the cost of an iPhone, iPad, or iPod. Pretty insane when you start thinking about it in tangible items like that, isn’t it?
Remember when these stocks were hovering around $30.00? I had the luxury of deciding if I wanted to drop a year of tuition on AAPL stocks or go to school. I decided school was the sure bet. Now I sit here with $20,000 in student loans, and I’m out $83,330. Thanks, logic and common sense. Thanks a lot.
Kidding aside, I don’t own any AAPL stocks. So, yeah, don’t get all up in my grill about propping up stocks.
Note: By the time we hit publish, the stock was at $499.41. Looks like you better sell, sell, sell. Side note, never take financial advice from us… like ever.