You’d be hard-pressed to go a week without seeing someone in public wearing an angry birds shirt, sporting some sort of Angry Birds merchandise or playing Angry Birds itself, and now, those angry birds are getting their own cartoon show.
Rovio CEO Mikael Hed revealed today that an Angry Birds cartoon show, produced by Rovio themselves, will be launching this spring. The cartoon was originally scheduled to debut in fall of 2012 but the company chose to push this date back. Rovio’s in-house animation team, which they began building back in 2011 when they acquired Kombo animation, will be creating the cartoon, which will be released in ultra-small episodes. The Rovio animation team has already accomplished a significant amount for the company, such as the trailer up top for Angry Birds Star Wars that shows off the team’s animation style.
Rovio doesn’t really have TV in mind when it comes to the cartoon’s distribution. The Finnish company said in an interview that they think they have good means to handle distribution through their own channels. What exactly this means is unknown, but it sounds as though they may push the content through Rovio’s own apps.
While I can’t comprehend the phenomenon behind the shirts, backpacks, or even the game itself for that matter, an Angry Birds cartoon actually seems like a good fit for the brand. While the lasting appeal of the Angry Birds craze continues to amaze me, it will be interesting to see how this new cartoon turns out.