The über-popular weekly public radio show This American Life does an entire show on Apple’s factory situation in China. Ira Glass gets Mike Daisey to take listeners on a trip through the world of Apple’s factories with an excerpt of Daisey’s one-man show The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs. Then, once the excerpt is over, Glass talks about Daisey’s findings with a couple of journalists and professionals, trying to corroborate Daisey’s story. The findings are pretty amazing.
If there’s one thing that you should listen to today, it’s this radio episode. It’s amazing, and it sheds light on a lot of things that are currently happening in the factories where Apple gets its products made: Foxconn. They talk about things that we should be a lot more concerned about, things that we should actually be doing something about. Listen to this episode. I mean, actually listen to it.
Listen to Mr. Daisey And The Apple Factory on This American Life