Admit it, email is probably the bane of your existence, especially if you get a substantial amount of mail on a day-to-day basis. Things tend to get lost between the Viagra messages and the African inheritance letters. Mountain Lion is taking a new approach to email in an attempt to guarantee that you only see the emails you need to on a daily basis.
According to Macworld, Apple has built in a VIP tool that lets you designate people as important. will then place a star beside all emails that come from the VIP, making it easier to spot and take action on emails sent from the people you deem important. will also add VIPs to your sidebar, giving you tools to narrow down and find emails from particular senders in a quicker fashion.
VIPs, clearly Apple’s take on Priority Inbox, is a welcome addition to As I’m writing this post, I sit at 500 unread emails. Most of the emails aren’t important and will likely be deleted without me even spending much time with them. Any time Apple gives me tools to manage that information better, it’s a good thing. VIP listings in could be a huge time saver, and that makes me happy.