Many people have been experiencing some major issues with their laptop’s battery life under Mountain Lion. Well, Softpedia has heard from an anonymous registered Mac developer reporting that the beta version of 10.8.1 fixes his battery issue. “Until I installed 10.8.1, my MacBook was showing 4h:05m after a full charge. After installing 10.8.1 it’s showing over 8h. I’m now able to use my Mac throughout the day again without having to carry my charger,” says the developer. This is welcome news.
In a world where iPads last all day on a single charge, it is increasingly important for laptops to stretch their wings in terms of battery life. Apple has been doing a very good job shipping laptops with giant batteries, but efficient software is just as important. Considering how hard Apple pushes their OS updates, and the huge percent of Mac users that upgrade to .0 releases, you’d think that battery life would be Apple’s biggest priority in testing after stability. Hopefully, 10.8.1 will fix the issues, and we’ll see it in the release channel sooner rather than later. Meanwhile, I’ll continue enjoying my iMac-iPad combo more than I ever enjoyed my MacBook Pro setup.
So, have you been experiencing battery life issues with your laptop under 10.8.0? Is it slowly driving you crazy? Sound off by leaving a message in the comment section below this post. We’d like to get a feel for how many of you were hit by this issue.
Source: Softpedia
Image Credit: kev-shine