In addition to that new mountain wallpaper, Apple has posted a good bit of info on its upcoming upgrade to Mac OS X:
Table of Contents
OS X Lion will automatically save a copy of a document each time it is opened, and automatically, every hour. Versions is a new component of Time Machine, which was introduced in OS X 10.5 Leopard.
After a reboot (from a software update, for example), Lion users will have the ability to have their Macs reboot with every program and document open, just as it was before shutdown.
Mail 5
Mail is finally getting a much-needed overhaul. The UI is very reminiscent of the iPad’s, and with a new feature called Conversations, reading email threads promises to be better than ever.
AirDrop seems really simple — all it does is allow users on the same wireless network to share files with each other very easily. This can be done in Finder now via Bonjour, but it seems that it’s about to get a lot easier.
Lion Server
With the Xserve gone, lots of people have speculated that Lion Server wasn’t going to happen. Looks like — as with most things — the truth is somewhere in the middle. OS X Lion Client will ship with Server baked in. Server Admin, Profile Manager (wither Workgroup Manager?), Wiki Server 3 and a new WebDAV service for iPad users will ship with every Mac. It’s unclear if these apps will require any specific hardware (I doubt it), or additional charges (I also doubt it).
Developer Preview
As of this morning, Mac developer account holders can download a preview of Lion. This release — like previous previews — is under NDA.