The newly redesigned Twitterific has finally gained support for push notifications. However, support for push notifications is currently in a limited beta, meaning that new users will be added to the beta periodically. This beta was launched in version 5.2 of Twitteriffic. Users who have gained access to the Twitterific push notification beta can enable these notifications via the app’s settings menu. You can choose who you would like to receive notifications from and what type of notifications you would like to receive. For instance, you can have notifications for direct messages on while notifications for @replys are turned off.
Aside from push notifications, Iconfactory, the developers behind Twitterific, have added quite a few other small features to the Twitter client. Droplr thumbnails have finally been added to the app and users can now view up to 600 tweets on their timelines, compared to the 400 viewable tweets that were offered before version 5.2. The rest of the changes are under the hood, but you can view the full log on iTunes.
Twitterific has long been one of my favorite Twitter clients for iOS. While I haven’t totally switched back to Twitterific from Tweetbot, the app’s new design and customizable push notifications make it look like a really attractive alternative.