Twitter trends broken in several client apps

As noted by several readers, Twitter’s Trends feature seems to be broken in numerous third-party Twitter clients.

While the official apps don’t seem to be having any issues, the guys behind Twitterrific are seeing the problem for their iOS customers. They tweeted:

Twitter recently made a change that breaks trends in some Twitter clients like ours. Update coming soon to fix. Hang in there.

This problem isn’t universal. For example, the new favorite in town, Tweetbot, is showing trends without any issue. The Iconfactory and other developers should have updates out shortly.

Developers were notified two weeks ago of this pending change, which took place yesterday.

Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing trends go away completely. What do you think? Do you think trends just a waste of time and space, or do you see them as adding value to the Twitter experience?

Thanks Shawn for additional information!

Stephen Hackett, formerly a Lead Mac Genius at Apple, now spends his days running the IT department of a large non-profit in Memphis, TN. He writes about Apple, design and journalism at Like all twenty-somethings, you can find him… Full Bio