There’s not a lot that surprises me when it comes to apps these days, but when Sun came across my desk, at first I thought it was a native iOS app, and then I thought it was made by the guys at Realmac Software (they didn’t create it). Put it this way, if Clear and a weather application had a baby, you’d end up with Sun.
This free, and insanely minimal, weather application from has pinch, swipe and umbrella functionality (get it? it’ll tell you when you need an umbrella? *rimshot*). It grabs the weather from Yahoo’s weather services, and it lets you add and change your cities information as you see fit. If the city is listed on Yahoo, then it’s accessible from Sun.
It’s free, so there’s no reason you can’t go and try it out for yourself. If you love it, you can add it to your home screen. I did.
Huge thanks to Tyler Copeland for sending this one in to us…