Samsung Introduces More Apple Fan Bashing Ads

Samsung is known for their extremely un-classy marketing techniques when it comes to marketing their smartphones. In their “next big thing” commercials, they often bash Apple users by making them look stupid and uninformed while waiting in line for the next Apple iPhone or iPad. Most Apple fans find these commercials annoying, obnoxious, and sometimes, even a little bit offensive. However, this hasn’t stopped Samsung from producing them.

Samsung has released two different variants of their new commercials: New York and San Francisco. In typical Samsung fashion, both of these commercials focus in on the iPhone 5 launch with Apple fans lined up, waiting for their phones. Random Samsung smartphone users approach them and start talking about the awesomeness of Samsung phones while directly comparing them to the iPhone. Yep, that’s the gist of it. If, for some reason, you’d like to see these commercials for yourself, we’ve embedded them after the break for your viewing pleasure.

Keep it classy, Samsung.

Source: iDownloadBlog

Andrew is a geek, Apple enthusiast, blogger and coffee lover from Chicago.