As we come closer to Apple’s September 12th announcement, things are starting to get a little crazy. Rumors have been swirling that we’re going to see the iPhone 5 on the 21st, but this latest info from iSource has the iPhone 5 hitting Sprint on October 15th.
This supposed leaked document disclosing Sprint retail support training for the new iPhone might not even be real, but let’s take it at face value just for a moment. This could mean one of three things: the iPhone 5 is launching on AT&T and Verizon before Sprint; the iPhone 5 won’t ship until October 15th on any carrier; or supply will be so limited that Apple is reserving all of their initial stock for Apple Stores. If we assume that this is legit, the second option sounds the most likely. It wouldn’t be the first time Sprint has gotten stiffed on an initial release.
More interesting is the lack of any news about the iPhone on T-Mobile. Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and even a number of the tiny MVNOs have the iPhone, but T-Mobile remains all alone. After the failed merger with AT&T, the situation for our German friends isn’t looking so hot. How long until they fold and/or sell off their assets to another telecom? If you’re waiting to get an iPhone 5 on Sprint, you might be in for a slightly longer wait, but at least you’ll get it eventually. Count yourself lucky.
Source: iSource