Want tethering on your iPhone and live in Canada? You’re in luck–kinda. Roger’s, a company that I both love and love to hate, has decided that we all get tethering for free, if we qualify. To qualify you need to be on a data plan of 1GB or more currently.
For a limited time, if you subscribe to a data plan which includes at least 1GB of data transmission between June 8, 2009 and December 31, 2009, and if you have a compatible device, you may use tethering as part of the volume of data included in your plan at no additional charge.
I decided to call Rogers and get in on the action, but there was a nice little caveat that they told me on the phone, that failed to be mentioned in any fine print on the site. I was told that it’s only for a 6 month period, and that Rogers reserves the right to make changes to the plan and to charge for tethering options in the future. I never really pushed her too hard to re-clarify for me what that exactly meant, but she sure sounded like she was reading off of some policy sheet in front of her.
But, the good news is that tethering is free for now, so long as you meet their requirements. If you do, make sure you make the appropriate phone call to ensure that they both activate it, and that they don’t charge you extra when you use it. Better safe than sorry.