If task list applications are your cup of tea, you’re going to want to head to the App Store and check out Any.Do. The popular Android app has finally made its way to iOS. The application is minimal in the same vein as Clear or Reminders, and it’s absolutely worth checking out.
One downside to the application is that it doesn’t support iCloud yet, so syncing your lists between your iOS devices is going to be a small problem. Any.do does support voice integration, so you can speak your to-do’s and have the application fill in the information; however, it does not have native Siri support.
You can navigate your to-do items by date, or you can navigate on a folder by folder basis. It’s really up to you.
There’s no iPad application, but there is a Chrome extension, and a web app is pending, so you will be able to get your to-do lists from different mediums if you need it.
The app is free on the App Store. Check it out using the download links below.