I’ve had my fair share of calculator apps, and frankly there’s not much of a difference between them. One plus one is still two, and no matter what you do, there isn’t really much you can change feature wise, except when the main feature of the app is its design. Then there’s a lot different between the apps.
Numerical, a new app from Andrew Clark, has taken everything you loved about iOS 7 design and worked it into a calculator app. It’s colourful, and it’s everything you can expect from a calculator.
There is one feature, however, that I wish was included with the app. Have you ever put an equation into a calculator only to realize that you mistyped something along the way? Usually you have to back out to the error and start from there again. That’s annoying. I’d love to be able to tap and hold the equation then navigate to a mistake the same way you can do with text editors. That would be amazing.
You can get it on the App Store for $2.99. It’s a steal considering Andrew is an independent developer chasing his passion.