This looks amazing! It reminds me of those View-Master toys some of us may have had many years ago – but this is the version for the future. Hasbro has made us a device to view 3D content on the iPhone or iPod touch.
The toy-maker has revealed its fun creation, My3D. This is a pair of 3D glasses that have a slot for an iPhone or iPod touch. The idea is that it will bring us 3D content as well as 360-degree gaming (possibly virtual travel?), which sounds like a brilliant idea.
A report from Associated Press says that the device should retail for around $30, and anticipates that it will be available come next spring (at stores where Apple’s iPhones and iPod Touches are sold). Although this looks like an updated View-Master, it can easily be appreciated by both kids and adults – I predict families fighting over it!
Hasbro apparently was “guided by Apple during the development” of the product, which is also exciting as there could be a lot of future development for this type of device. It will ultimately depend on what is actually viewable, in terms of scope, as well as the number of items (games / movies / tv) available.
If there are only one or two games that support the device, then there will be little value, but if they can get a lot of developers / content creators on board, then there would be huge potential to make this a very popular add-on. It is currently reported that Dreamworks is going to develop material for the device, so this could be a good opportunity for other production companies.

Other avenues for content include 3D TV networks, such as the Discovery Channel, as well as Sony and IMAX.
The device should hold a lot of appeal for movie and television studios as a way to promote upcoming 3D content in theaters, or to give users a sample of other 3D entertainment. What may be an issue is if it is only used for ads of the content and not actually the content itself, then it may be too limited for the consumer once the ‘cool’ factor has worn off. Also, will app developers see the potential of it and start to develop new content for it? And, will they have to make separate and additional content for non-3D users?
If there is enough content, then this has the potential to be pretty big, especially at $30 or so. It doesn’t seem like too steep of an investment. I’m already in the queue.
Article Via Cult of Mac