Leap Wireless, the company who owns Cricket, has said that it has been experiencing low iPhone demand since the company launched the device on its network on June 22 of 2012. The company will reportedly only bring in 50% of its first-year commitments to Apple through June of 2013. However, these numbers don’t seem to worry Cricket as the company’s Chief Financial Officer, Jerry Elliot, has stated that “sales of Apple devices were pretty good in the fourth quarter” and apparently he isn’t worried about meeting the company’s commitment with Apple.
Being someone who lives in a Cricket service area, I always see Cricket advertising Android devices that are offered on the network. If the company advertised Android less and put priority on the iPhone 5 and 4S, the company would probably be able to bring in more iPhone sales. In fact, the iPhone is advertised so little by Cricket that I wouldn’t doubt if some potential buyers were clueless the device is even available on the Cricket network.
If you’re unaware, Cricket is owned by Leap Mobile and is a regional carrier in the United States. The company currently carries the iPhone 4, 4S and 5 and has carried it since June of 2012. The company specializes in pre-paid plans and offers a $55 unlimited plan.