I’ve said all along that Apple was being ridiculous when they cut out 3G owners from being able to stream video to their phone. It was a completely arbitrary decision that was likely geared towards encouraging 3G owners to migrate to the 3GS device. It was bunk, and it was only a matter of time before we started to see some backlash in the community, resulting in Apple Inc. overturning their original decision to leave video capabilities out of the 3G 3.0 OS update.
We saw a release of the Ustream Application, titled Broadcast, late last week, and a bunch of us were beginning to wonder if we were about to see a tidal wave of new video recording applications, and it appears like we’re about to see an application explosion.
The Team at Laan Labs has released iVideoCamera on the heals of the Broadcast application. There’s not much new to report here, but the iVideoCamera is not free like its Broadcast counterpart. It offers some other features like adding your video to Facebook, YouTube, and Vimeo which is really cool.
The funny thing is everyone’s talking like iVideoCamera is the first of its kind on the AppStore, but the reality of the matter is that Broadcast has been available since the 9th. Funny how the internet works.
Here’s some promo shots from the AppStore.