Don’t like your carrier in Canada? No problem, Apple’s going to be releasing the iPhone 4 unlocked. It’s going to be a little steep upfront, coming in at $659, but you’ll be saving directly in the long run.
This is great news for the competition. Currently in Canada Rogers, Bell, Fido, and Telus all have access to the phone, but there’ve been a number of startups that have been locked out of the market. Companies such as Wind Mobile offer excellent plans, and others offer contract-free services, but up until now your phone selection was severely limited. With the iPhone 4 you’ll be able to use your phone on any GSM network, giving you access to a lot of new startups. The one we’re most interested in is Mobilicity, which isn’t currently available in my town, but is on their coming soon list.
We’re pretty excited about it. As soon as my contract is up with Rogers I’m going to be exploring some of these options in depth, and now that I can take my iPhone with me, I’ll be able to do it a lot sooner. Heck, I might just buy an iPhone 4 now.
Article Via CBC News
Image Credit: Yutaka Tsutano