Infographic: Exactly How Much Do Americans Spend On Damaged iPhones?

It’ll happen to most of us at some point or another — that little slip that results in your phone on the floor, accidentally knocking it off a table, or just flat out dropping it in the toilet. So how much do we actually spend on repairs for iPhone damage?

SquareTrade, a company that provides warranty repairs for damaged electronics, put an infographic together to show just how much Americans have spent on iPhone repairs since 2007. The total? Close to $6 billion, including the cost of repairs, replacement iPhones, and insurance deductibles. The study found that accidental damage is more common than either loss or theft. Take a look at the infographic below to see some other interesting tidbits about how much Americans have spent on damaged iPhones.

Source: SquareTrade 
Image Credit: SquareTrade

Kaylie lives in Ottawa and got her first Mac in 2007 and is now a fan for life.