Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions has had a troublesome road to launch. Originally slated for June / July (following a mammoth delay in 2010), it was then pushed back to a late July release. Apologies came from assistant producer Shina at Square Enix and the absolute promise that the game would finally hit iOS devices before the month was up.
Well Final Fantasy fans can finally rejoice – Tactics has officially been submitted to Apple for approval.
It is highly unlikely that the game will be rejected, and if everything goes to plan, the game could hit the App Store as early as this Thursday (the teaser image suggests so, though the following week, August 4, is more likely considering approval turnaround times).
You could be pedantic and argue next week would be past the late July promise, but I’m sure not too many of you would be complaining now that the end is in sight. There’s still no confirmation on a price, but judging on Square Enix’s past prices, estimates put it fairly high for an iOS game.
Knowing its source material, a higher-than-most price will hardly deter gamers purchasing it when it sees release. Of course, if anything does go awry (fingers crossed it won’t), you’ll hear it here first.
Source: touchArcade
Image Credit: Square Enix