Doodle Jump update: Multiplayer

Most of us have Doodle Jump on our device, so the latest update is a real treat.

Yes, Doodle Jump’s latest update brings us multiplayer, so now we can compete against our friends!

In two-player mode you can challenge other Doodle Jumpers through Game Center. The two-player mode has a finish line, and the first player to reach it is the winner. Simple and addictive.

The power-ups are shared between the two players though so be warned: if you jump higher and faster, you will get them first. So if I lose, I will claim unfair advantage of course.

Oh, Lima Sky also say there is an iPad version with this feature on its way too.

Article Via Cult of Mac

Chatty Canadian in the UK. Dancing queen in my head. Digital Communications Lecturer. Mac computer fan. Mac makeup fan. iOS developer. Popcorn eater. Was producer & host of quirky app review show Apps & Hats.