Brian Deagon, a writer over at Investor’s Business Daily, has listed off five tech predictions for 2012. Amongst his predictions, apparently Apple will lose its cool factor in 2012.
Deagon states:
With the iPod, iPhone and iPad, Apple (AAPL) redefined markets and defined cool. But what’s left? The iPhone is boxy, flat and feeling stale. The Samsung Galaxy smartphone seems cooler. With Google’s (GOOG) Android platform now the fastest-growing mobile OS, Apple’s software advantage will diminish. Smartphones and tablets will become commodity items and Apple will be eaten by the collective Android gang. Apple’s next big hope is the TV market, a tough nut to crack and where Samsung is king.
While he’s not exactly wrong that iOS is starting to show its age a little, Deagon completely misses the point. There are currently no market signs that illustrate Apple is slowing down and losing its sex appeal. Reports of holiday sales show both the iPhone and Android phones growing in market share, again. While we won’t have official numbers until the next financial call, early reports have the iPhone 4S and the Samsung Galaxy lineup being the top two phones on the market over the holidays (notice how the single iPhone 4S is battling an entire “family” of phones).
Actually, iOS devices on a whole completely dominated holiday sales. A recent study by RichRelevance Inc. has Apple accounting for 92 percent of all non-desktop sales over the holidays in 2011. That number is up from just 88 percent in April. The sample size isn’t exactly a small one either. The RichRelevance Inc. numbers are based on more than 3.4 billion online shopping sessions on U.S. retailer websites from April 1 to Dec.18, 2011.
There are two types of people who buy smartphones. The hardcore, early adopting geeks, and the general population. While some early adopters may be getting a little bored with iOS, it’s hardly a universal opinion at this point.
For Apple to lose its sex appeal in 2012, someone else is going to have to be the belle of the ball, and as it stands there’s a huge disconnect between the sexiest product on the Internet and the runner up. That could happen in 2012, but before Apple crumbles iOS growth has to cease before it falls and there’s just no signs of that happening yet.