Beers are good; free beers are even better. There’s a first world problem that needs solving though: have you ever wanted to buy beers for friends but couldn’t actually make it to the bar to do it? Yup, big problem. Turns out there’s an app for that and it’s called Buddy Beers.
Buddy Beers iPhone app from Buddy Beers on Vimeo.
The service lets you buy beers for friends at partner bars worldwide using paypal or in app currency. The application creates a voucher that you can use at the bar. Sounds like you’ll be sipping on those delicious, free golden brews in no time.
Not so fast, there’s probably a downside
This app, like plenty of “deals” and “discount” apps before it, will have a hard time getting off the ground. Bartenders will be looking at your voucher like you’re from another planet, and they’ll likely accuse you of trying to get free beer. Buddy Beers isn’t the only service to have this problem. Just ask FourSquare how many problems they had when customers would try to redeem a reward from within the app. Standing in line at a popular coffee chain, I won a free drink. It took me a heck of a lot time and energy to convince the staff that I had won. A couple of phone calls up the chain later, I was walking out the door with my beverage. Something tells me this is going to be more of the same. It’s going to be a while before employees and staff at pubs and bars realize what’s going on, and accept a voucher for a free beer. But hey, you’ve got to start somewhere, and this is a service I can get behind.
It’s cool, and hopefully it catches on. I wouldn’t mind you guys sending me free beers all the time. You’d do that for me, right?