Earlier today we wrote about Apple’s hiring spree leading up to the back-to-school season in an attempt to shore up enough talent to manage the back-to-school blitz that’s surely going to happen as September gets closer and summer draws to a close. We suggested that the call for more retail employees will also likely coincide with the iPhone 5 release. As it turns out, AT&T is also thinking about bolstering their bullpen as iPhone 5 release day starts getting a little bigger on the horizon.
According to Boy Genius Report, AT&T has to prepare its employees for the influx of traffic heading in their direction. Simply put, they’re telling the employees that the iPhone will be announced in August, and released within the first two weeks of September.
Right now, we’re just hoping the iPhone 5 ships sooner rather than later. If you’re interested in the ongoings of the iPhone 5 rumors, be sure to check out all of our iPhone 5 coverage.
Source: BGR
Via: AppleInsider
Image Credit: Yutaka Tsutano