I guess it’s only fair to write a follow up after we’ve been so hard on Apple for kicking 500px out of the App Store because it was too easy to get access to porn. I mean, by that logic, Chrome, Dolphin, and Safari shouldn’t be available for iOS either. I digress. It seems like Apple and 500px have kissed and made up — makeup sex may be on the way still though — the application is back on the App Store.
What’s the main difference? Well, the updated 500px application now has a “report this image” button within the app, giving users the ability to play Gestapo on their fellow photographers. It is also now rated 17+ in the App Store, because, well, you know, photography is for adults only.
Listen, we’re neither pro or anti-porn (whatever floats your boat) in this corner of the Internet, but what we are against is stupidity. The fact that 500px was pulled from the App Store is pretty stupid considering the 500px app still has a category labelled “nude” in the application after its resubmission. Rumors were circulating that the real reason for the app’s removal was linked to child porn, but we’ve yet to hear anything substantive on that ground. Maybe the rules for the iOS store are more lenient these days. Who knows. We’re not going to guess.
Either way, 500px is back on the App Store, complete with nudes if you want them.