We’ve all heard the stories out of Cupertino about just how hardcore they are about foul-ups. If you make a mistake that you shouldn’t have, rumour has it that management takes it extremely serious. The repercussions can result in demotions or outright firings.
With Antennagate safely behind Apple now, there’s no doubt that they’re still recovering from the bad PR that faced the company. Everyone in the industry knew someone would be held responsible for the mistake, and it seems like Apple’s pinned their man. Mark Papermaster, chief of iPhone hardware, has left the company. It’s unknown whether Papermaster left on his own accord, or if he was asked to leave, but according to the esteemed John Gruber it was the latter. Both the New York Times’ and Gruber’s sources peg him as the man responsible for the antenna issues.
If Gruber’s right, this shows just how little room there is in the industry for error, and more specifically how little room there is at Apple Inc. If anything can be gleaned from this shot across the bow within Apple HQ, it’s that everyone better be bringing their A-Game. It’s harsh, but it’s what ensures that Apple releases great products one after another. Some would even go so far as to say that it’s a necessary evil that makes the company great.
Hopefully Papermaster lands on his feet again. We wish him the best, and we hope he finds employment soon.
Article Via 9 to 5 Mac