Hot off the release of the iPad, a lot of people were bemoaning the fact that the iPad lacked a webcam. People noticed that replacement parts had a slot for a camera, and some people even went so far as to speculate that the camera was pulled at the last minute. Opinion was split down the middle and I have to say, now that I’ve spent a couple of months with mine, a web camera and FaceTime would have really put the device right over the top for me.
Well, you might not have to wait much longer, because it seems like a webcam on the iPad is on the top of a lot of people’s lists these days. Chet Rosales has put together a concept case that could bring FaceTime-like applications to the iPad sooner than Apple could. We know what you haters are thinking, “You need a case over everything on the iPad.” But I’ll put it this way for you: if you’re buying a case already to protect your device, why not buy one that includes a webcam?
iPad users, would you pay for a case like this?
While I’m not exactly convinced that this particular concept is all that practical, I’m excited to see that some people are starting to thing about the potential. Hopefully some of the heavy hitters come out with a case that really knocks this concept right out of the park.
We’re looking at you, Incase.
Article Via iPadevice