Rumor: Retina Facebook App Update Right Around The Corner


For those of us with the new iPad, Retina graphics are truly amazing. Everything looks sharp, and it is easy to see things even when they’re very small on the screen. Well, as long as the apps you’re using are updated to take advantage of the Retina display. If they’re not, UI elements look pixelated and blurry. It seriously puts a pebble in the shoe of the new iPad.

Well, Facebook diehards should rejoice! It looks like the UK App Store was caught advertising the updated Facebook app before it launched. That’s not really a huge deal, though. Everyone with eyes could see that an update was coming. A company as big as Facebook certainly has the resources to redo their UI with high-res graphics, right?

Is the lack of Retina-updates driving you crazy? Are you seeing pixels everywhere you look? Let us know what apps you use frequently that still haven’t updated for the Retina display. We’d like to get a feeling for which developers need a swift kick in the pants. Heck, maybe your tip will make it into a Macgasm post. Feel free to leave a comment below this post by logging in with your Twitter or Facebook account. Alternately, you can give us a tip through our tip line. Either way, we want to hear from you, so don’t wait.NewImage

Source: MacRumors

Grant is a writer from Delaware. In his spare time, Grant maintains a personal blog, hosts The Weekly Roar, hosts Quadcast, and writes for video games.