Waiting time will now seem much quicker for those without personal iPads, if they are lucky enough to be one of the 135 people to get access to the free use iPads that Delta is offering when flying through JFK.
Delta has just installed 135 iPads near restaurants at three of the airport’s gates. These include Croque Madame, a French restaurant at Gates 21 and 22 in Terminal 2, and Bar Brace, an Italian restaurant at Gate 15 in Terminal 3.
The iPads are there to encourage you to order food from the restaurants, made easier because the iPads have menu apps installed. I know it will be seen as a gimmick, but it would be fun to just order food at the airport using the iPad and have a server bring it to you. The management at these establishments do say that you do not need to make a purchase to be able to use the iPad, but hey, food and iPad while waiting for a flight sounds pretty perfect. They all have wireless internet as well, totally free of charge.
Article Via Cult of Mac
Photo Credit: abir82