Making a film can be tricky business. I’ve never made one personally, but know someone who has, and trust me when I say it’s a huge undertaking. While the iPad has had success in many circles around the world, it seems like Hollywood is the latest victim to the “tablet” computing craze that’s been ushered in by the iPad.
The iPad “is the must-carry accessory on sound stages this season, visible behind the scenes of television and film shoots and in business meetings,” according to the New York Times. The iPad is the multifunctional device that most people on set need. It limits paper consumption, and even lets actors and crew members relax a little during their down time.
The iPad is redefining a lot of industries, and it’s going to be exciting to see just how it’s incorporated into the working world around us. Everyone seems to have an idea on how the device could make life easier around the office. Clearly, Apple has a winner on their hands.
Article Via The New York Times