The iFart app has not received approval for the iPad. The reason, apparently, was that it has minimal user functionality. It seems that vibrating the iPad as your app makes huge fart sounds is no longer seen as functional. After all, it was a top grosser for iPhone.
To clarify, it wasn’t initially approved when first submitted to the App Store. This was due to it being a ‘joke’ app and they seemed to be blocking apps that were deemed ‘crude’, but by the time December 2009 came around, these joke apps were being approved. They were also very popular. This time it is being flagged for lack of function.
So, is this rule a little random, and maybe just used when it’s convenient? A lot of people are strongly against Apple having such control over the App Store. Many people questioning why they have to be approved at all, but I do agree in principle with Apple on apps needing approval. If we take a look at the wider scope of the 206K apps on the app store, and the huge numbers of apps that are just not ever going to make it to anyones device, then I would be a lot harsher than Apple.

There are so many “Cookie cutter” apps out there that people are finding it very hard to decide what apps are worth their money. To the iFart app’s credit, it is a reasonably good looking app, and people find it entertaining, so I’m not quite sure why the change of heart for Apple.
I can honestly say I have never owned a fart app. They just didn’t appeal to me. I may be odd, but I see my iPhone as a functional device that improves things I am doing. Yes, I do play a very large number of games, that’s true, but that serves the “relax me” function. I don’t enjoy the “iFarts,” the “scan poos,” the “fake finger prints” style of apps (entertainment I believe they are called), but 100,000 copies of iFart were sold in only 2 weeks – so someone was buying it.

However, Apple needs to be certain that all reviewers maintain their code consistently, Farting Zombies was approved, and with the catch phrase of, “Love Zombies? Love farts?” Well, what’s not to love?
It seems Apple is on a path to set the stakes a little higher with this device. Amazing apps like Pages and Numbers make it a huge hit for business / professionals. Maybe there is no more room for farts?
Are you a fan of these joke style apps, and will you miss them if they are not on your iPad? Or are you happy with Apple’s control over the App Store submissions?
Article via / TechCrunch